But is it too soon?
Have the two sides of this conflict accomplished anything close to what they set out to do?
These are the sorts of questions that haunt foreign onlookers as even the most hopeful of outsiders can only notice that the civil war in Alcovia has produced no decisive victories on either side and, as of the time of the cease fire, there are still large portions of the nation under rebel control or official martial law. These strained occupations have imposed a stifling interdiction on daily life across wide swaths of once free territory leaving many people to question the motives of their government and rebels alike.
Even with hostilities under official cease fire, there is still plenty of fighting going on across the nation. Militia bands have, on several occasions, clashed with government troops. These attacks have often been made against routine patrols and police units enforcing the various security measure put in place in zones of high militia or rebel activity. Though government troops are not actively conducting operations against rebel and militia forces, they are doing what they can to contain outbreaks of violence and have not ceased what they deem to be necessary police and peacekeeping measures.
Despite the terrible tole on the people of Alcovia and facing potential strains on foreign relations, King Ullo has stood fast in his insistence that the civil war remain a purely Alcovian affair without foreign assistance or aid. Public opinion remains high for the king with some 60% of the people stll in favor of his current course of action.
But can the king of Alcovia retain the love of his people now months into the second year of the war?
Time and the outcome of the peace talks will only tell..."