Cheerjski Morodny
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Fast Ball in the Outfield!
Captain Price: "Soap! Op on! Ops room now!........You're on the bloody Xbox aren't you?"
Soap: ".......Yes Boss.....Call of Honour3 Contemporary Warfare, really ally stuff...........the op?"
Captain Price: "An Italian Parliamentary Deputy has been grabbed by the Slavicovan National Army and is being held in a farm near Hradsograd."
Soap: "NRA? They're nutters! "
Captain Price: "Right. We have less than 24 hours before they top him or the Italians give them what they want. "
Soap: " We'll need to get across to NE Alcovia....boss , Ullos got one on for us already, he'll bite the carpet if we overfly..."
Captain Price: "Sorted - some of those Iqmenis I trained are on their army council, they'll let us stage out of one of their bases."
Soap: "Nice one Boss."
Captain Price: "OK, whose on Readiness? "
Soap: "Butch is on leave, Snooze is in trieste , Dai has the D&Vs so it's you me and Stench."
Captain Price: "Right, get onto Mavrakis at the CRB. Tell him to have 2 bricks of his best blokes ready to move now, then you select 8 of them. Make sure they have NATO kit, not that Hav spetsnatz wannabe stuff. Ok?"
Soap: "Crystal. Epirou airhead in 2?"
Captain Price: "Good one. Move it!"
Transmission ends; further report to follow.....
Friday, November 11, 2011
Hav-Trebizon Government makes formal denial

Furthermore, the officer, a Major, now General, Bostic is alive, well and living in Trebizon as a respected member of the expatriate Alcovian business community. So, you have to ask, assassination, what assassination? We must also refute internet desciptions of our honoured Bongolesian guests as "gun runners". Bongolesia is a major trading partner of ours, the agricultural spare parts sector is booming thanks to their entrepeneurial flair and they are always welcome here - the tragic death of three Bongolesian diplomats in a broom cupboard in the Royale Casino last summer haunts me still. Thank you."
"And now we return to 'Alcovians do the funniest things' where Latka is still looking for his goats in the potato shed......"
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Trouble in the Borku?

Paxman: "Mmm. So, what did someone say that Ullo may have said?"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Down to the wire
"Great, mints..... now, there we were ghillied up in a hide on this ridge extending into the Ladu Pass, with the road winding around it in a U shape; Angus has a good shot lined up, our exits are clear so I give him the OK to shoot. As I did, I ping a file of guys in balaclavas, woolie hats, the usual militia walters, bimbling off on our right. Too late, Bostic is down, his guys are piling into their trucks and the spetsnatz are heading for the woods.....I reckoned on a couple of options, sneak back to the border through the woods, relying on the ghillie suits and banjoing any local heavies who popped up; second, lurk down to the BMW hotwire it and floor it to the border or thirdly, stick to the ridge and then cut back to the border. The patrol was getting closer, the guys in the trucks were driving off to the checkpoint in a hurry and the spetsnatz had gone to ground somewhere......OK, the woods it was. Now, visual aids....this knife is the ridge, these mints they're the woods and the border is over there by the beers....."
The Ladu Pass in happier times
Captain Price (left) and Trooper Angus "Smelly" McTavish (right)
cunningly concealed as trees Bostic is down, the Border Guards realise that with a VIP
dead, they really need to be elsewhere; the local balaclava boys go for a stroll The SAS hide in the rocks while the Militia "patrol" past
And the Militia still cant spot the SAS - but uhoh, the SAS can see the Spetsnatz
Price and Angus pretend to be trees once again
The Spetsnatz stop, have a cigarette, think, realise "that's not a tree!"
and make their move. Angus drops one and the SAS take a lot of return fire but succesfully lurk backwards into the woods and then leg it for the border "There's the wire Angus!"
"Action right Boss!"
The Alcovian Border guards time their patrol to perfection
Angus drops one and Price banjos the other two with his MP5, over the wire and away.
"What were the Alcovians doing on the Hav side of the wire, Boss?"
"Shut up and keep running"
"So, Bostic slotted, pursuit evaded and banjoed as appropriate and me and Angus back to Hav in time for the floorshow at the Casino. Of course, back this summer, Craig from the Scalphunters nailed Urquhart in his Hav office, so I reckon he'd sold us out to the bad guys. Right, I'm off, nah, the curry's on me. Cheers!"
Captain Price calls for a taxi from the curry house
A thoroughly fun game with far less shooting than usual. Heavily inspired by CoD MW. Figures - Liberation Minis, terrain - mainly FoW Battlefield in a Box, barbed wire made in Hong Kong approx 1968, rules - Cold War 83. Curryhouse - The Panama. Angus? Soap's less famous brother. And a final word from Captain Price:
"Angus chopped Bostic back in '83. One hell of a suprise to see him meeting some Bongolesian gun runners in Hav in 2011. We're going to have to shoot him again."
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A blast from the past
".....Back in '83 I was posted to Akorotiri on the Special Projects Team, training up locals from the Iqmemistani National Resistance. We had this fastball, direct from D Ops in London, no scalphunters available so we picked it up. Deploy by next BA flight to Athens, then drive up country to Hav, pick up kit from Urquhart, tab up to the Alcovia border to the Lampardij Ladu Pass, get into a LUP and wait for a convoy of Warpact military to meet this BMW, take out the guy in the safari suit from the beemer. Home for tea and medals. Easy. Yeah, right. Yeah, pile into the poppadoms, the brinjal pickle is cracking...."
"Anyway, the target was this Major Bostic of the Alcovian Gendarmerie, a local fixer and all round bad guy. He wasn't on our "to do list", apparently the DGST had it in for him but being frogs and useless had no local capability. Meanwhile D Ops, a devious sod called Burnside, needed a favour from the French and Bostic was their price. So there we were, me and Angus up to our knees in goatshit, eyes on target, only matey boy Bostic has half the Alcovian Gendarmerie with him and he's swigging vodka with these guys in blue berets who have 'spetsnatz' tattooed on their knuckles; Angus is saying "do I take the shot, Boss?' and all I can think is 'I hate salt on my chips, let alone mining the stuff for the rest of my natural'. Happy days. What did I do? First things first, lad - mine's a chicken saag, pilau rice, two kheema naans and another large Tiger. Cheers!"
As soon as Captain P has worked his way through his curry, he'll be here to finish his yarn, pull up your sandbag and watch this space....
Friday, November 4, 2011
Alcovian Village Houses
Their footprint is 90mmLx60mmWx65mmH which makes them perfect for 20mm figures. They look a bit bland right now but imagine them with corrugated iron verandas, maybe barn doors or an extension covering the opening - could even turn it into a walk-in village Borsch shop.
A couple of extra windows are necessary and potentially, I could add a small dormer in the roof to give the building an upstairs but I'm not convinced in this instance.
Finish off with wooden or breeze block or mud brick extensions out the back and/or to the side, catslide tin roofs and a small brick chimney and we're done!
Well almost..... The walls are smooth and I am already thinking of some sort of rendering or a mix of rendering and exposed plasticard or cardboard breeze blocks/random stone.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Armor Update
Take care,
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Alcovia's King Addresses War Torn Nation
Brave people of Alcovia,
King Ullo IV
Today marks one year since our homeland was wrenched into the crushing grip of a war forced upon us by those who would seek to destroy the sanctity of our way of life. It is not a war for freedom. It is not a war for equality. It is a war brought on by mistrust, misunderstanding, and the inability to look beyond the recent hardships visited upon us all to see the greatness that has and will continue to be Alcovia.
The men who call them revolutionaries, freedom fighters, or even saviors have chosen to abandon their sacred oaths to their nation, to themselves and most importantly to you, the citizens they have sworn to protect. These men, who have taken their cause from simple defiance to open hostility have allowed their fight to spill into your homes. Because of them, you have suffered, you have seen others suffer and you have seen your beloved home cut open to bleed out like a bear on the cold winter snow.
But this you all know...
<King Ullo paused here to clear his throat and wipe his eyes>
But there is more that you should all know.
My cherished people, know that your king, your princes and your army still watch over you and value the love and loyalty you have always shown them. We will not abandon you to these rebels, these bandits, these criminals. Those who you have entrusted and who god has entrusted to protect your way of life will not waver in their pursuit of that solemn duty. They will not stop fighting. They will not stop...dying until those who are responsible for this festering wound of a rebellion are brought to justice.
I ask that all of you remain strong. Remain firm in your beliefs and your convictions. Do not let those who have lost their way drag you down into their blood-stained mud. You all know who you are and what it means to be a true Alcovian. Just as our ancestors fought to come together that they might make something more of their warring clans, so shall we all come together to preserve what they struggled so valiantly to achieve.
It saddens me to say that I cannot tell you when this will all end. What I can tell you is what my own grandfather once told me. When the wind would howl and the snows would threaten to break down our doors, he would take my hand and say only this, "The morning shall make it all better."
It is these words that I hope you will keep with you as you find your way through the trouble night. Look to the day that will make it all better. That day will come. We will bring that day, all of us. Together...
The remainder of the addresses were made by the king's cabinet of advisers with inspirational readings from notable Alcovian authors and poets as well as a somber rendition of the Alcovian national anthem. the address was closed by the reading of the names of all Alcovian citizens, some 4500, who have died on all sides of this conflict.
Monday, October 10, 2011
One Year of Civil War

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Alcovian Schnitzel
Thought you might like to see some more of my Alcovian Forces. These are Irregulars/Rebels/Para-Military etc inspired by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. I had them painted for me by Mark Griffin of Pumpkin Models and having more done as I really like Mark's wargame painting style. Plus he's a good bloke!
The figures are from Rolf Hedges' Liberation Miniatures and quite fun. Rolf's just released some guys in Balaclava with RPGs so they'll be put on order with Mark too.
You'll have notice that the Alcovian front has stalled in recent weeks. A couple of reasons behind that. Not least of which being a neurological condition which has required me to withdraw from many aspects of my life in order to allow my brain time to repair. I've withdrawn from forums and blogs and don't even look at TMP or Lead Adventure Forum. Winter of '79 has been my one and only wargaming focus and even that has proved difficult at times. The last two months have seen a turn around but I've needed every ounce of spare energy to get over the last hurdles and after 5 months being variously in hospital and immobilised at home, prepare myself physically, psychologically and emotionally for returning to work, leading a new team in a new office and most importantly, having a normal life once again.
Chatting with Eli recently, we both found that we were experiencing the same 'frustration' with our miniatures. They simply didnt match our own internal visions for Alcovian troops. What had stumped me the most was that my vision of Alcovia was based on the ex-Hotspur range of Afghanistan era Soviets. The originals were lovely models. The inspiration came from Tims Miniature Wargaming Blog - see picture below:
Well, the first figures I ordered from Stonewall looked like they'd been stamped on before they were despatched and even those Maff carefully picked out for me at a wargames show were still badly moulded and in many cases had broken rifles and RPGs.
Then came a floundering search for replacement minis. Come back 15mm Sci Fi all is forgiven! Each new search presented its own challenges. Whilst sending for samples, corresponding with manufacturers etc ate away at budget, time and enthusiasm. And all this happening against a background of increasingly impaired mental and physical functions.
Rolf finally stepped into the breach, but my god! One can go snow blind looking at those lists without photos ..."as above", "as above", "as above"...... You may say "well there are photos on this that or the other forum" - I say "Bollocks" unless the thread author has said "these are left to right pack RSH11, 12 and ARSE13" I'm left only slightly less in the dark when the choices are so vast.
All in all, frustrations and false starts turning what was meant to be fun into a morass of futility. You can only compromise your vision so far...... Hopefully Rolf's new 70's-80's Russians in body armour (with covered helmets) will reignite the spark when they are moulded next month. If not, Im calling it quits on Alcovia in 20mm, cutting my losses and moving to 28's.
Friday, September 23, 2011
S&S Models Ural 375
Shaun at S&S Models has just released the magnificent Ural 375 6x6 GS truck. If you are a fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare like Maff and myself, you'll know that you need one or two of these beasts for turning up at inopportune moments and disgourging heaps of bad guys. A seriously 'must have' model as a transporter, a terrain piece and an objective.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Latest Figure News
Two of the packs in the photo above will now allow me to furnish a platoon in true Call of Duty: Modern Warfare style. Which if you play the game, you'll know that the Ruskies have more RPDs, RPGs, SVDs than AKs.
Next up, Rolf of Liberation Miniatures has announced a new set of 70's-80's Russians in body armour (with covered helmets). I really like the look of them. These may well become the bulk of my Alcovian regular army forces. No details on availability yet, (I'll keep pushing Rolf) but worth waiting for.
Finally, a little late in announcing due to my health issues, but still well worth highlighting that Shaun at S&S Models has completely remoulded and repackaged his classic Modern Russian Motor Rifles and VDV figures.
The sculpts are characterful with a wide range of poses and get this, for the Motor Rifles at least, Shaun wants to ensure that you can build an entire company with command, support and heavy weapons. Something I can only applaud.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Soldatskaya Smekalka
SEIZE & SECURE: A tactically important landmark is being fought over by two armies. Whoever gains the upper hand for just a
few hours will gain an advantage over the entire region
that will be difficult to challenge.....
With that on the cards, I feel inspired to finish some conversions this weekend. Maff gave me his unpainted Under Fire Miniatures' MVD/OMON troops. I had started taking the heads off and replacing them with the standard helmeted heads from some Platoon 20 Modern Russians. Enthusiasm had petered out previously as these Platoon 20 heads have proved to be the toughest to remove to date.
All this effort is to round out a couple of squads of National Alcovian Army (NAA) regular style forces with the Under Fire MVD/OMON troops. Mostly 'cause I just like the poses.
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Prisoner of Krozny Kravac
Price rescued. Militia eliminated. Home in time bloskik and zhlotti, washed down by a glugg of Rakija!
Figures by RH Models, rules; Cold War: 1983.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Not Dead Yet
Friday, June 24, 2011
German Engineering for The Battlefield
Hobby Den's New 1/72 Mercedes 260SL
Both are excellent vehicles and add greater variety to any street-level modern games.
Take care,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Alcovian Forces Muster
Thought you might like to see the growing forces of Alcovia.
Mark Griffin painted the Liberation Minis for me. He's a good bloke and I like his style of painting which is perfect for the tabletop. In this instance I asked him to replicate the 'partizan' pattern BDUs but 'larger font' so to speak, so that it can be identifiable on the gaming table. In all, Mark has painted two platoons and a bunch of militia/rebels for me. The end result is really good and I'm very happy with them.
This allows me to fuss over the two tones of 'flora' pattern I'm slapping on the opposing forces without having to worry about painting the OPFOR before I can get some Red on Red Alcovia gaming in. And of course choice of opposing forces has been made more difficult by Shaun at S&S Models recasting his Motor Rifle troops.
Heather bought the BTRs for me as a gift via an Ebay seller and I subsequently bought the Easy Models Mil 8 Hip helo from Rolf Hedges. Don't need it as such but it's a nice statement piece and pure Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
S&S Models 20mm Lada Riva
Sunday morning is a time we blokes traditionally spend looking after the prize possession on our driveway. So to do all true Alcovians.
Here is S&S Models new Lada Riva Saloon straight out of the packet. A perfect one-piece casting, approximately 24mm wide by 62mm long, with separate metal wheels.
Just turning it over in my hands I love this little fella. It offers so much versatility from piece of urban defilade, to a taxi, police car or getaway for our Bond games; set dressing at a checkpoint and/or a militia command vehicle and run about. Those of you who play Middle East conflict games will find it perfect for Ambush Alley or even AK47. Plus, that classic shape makes the Lada Riva Saloon ideal as a proxy British 'Wayland' in our Winter of 79 and Geezer games.
I'm impressed with thhis versatile little model and will be building up a stock of them to dress my Alcovian tabletop, populate the forecourt of Hav's Motorz and give my militia much needed transport.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Terrain Lab - Overgrown Hedges
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Terrain Lab - Garden Patches
My house looks like it belongs in Alcovia. |
- Cut corrugated pizza box liner paper to desired size.
- Round off the corners of the pizza box liner.
- Glue liner to stiff card, leaving a modest rim between the edge of the liner and the edge of the card. Make sure to minimize air bubbles and rippling in and under the liner. I used hot glue as it gives and instant result. Any unsightly ripples or air pockets can be taken care of by slitting the liner and then gluing it down. This has an added benefit of causing some nice irregularities in the relatively uniform corrugation.
- Round off the corners of the card and cut little irregularities into the straight edges. You want the patch to be pretty much rectangular, but not mathematically perfect.
- Build up a raised rim in the space between the edge of the liner and the edge of the card. I used hot glue again as it produced an irregular finish and hardened/dried quickly.
- Coat the entire piece in white glue. Make sure to brush the glue along the furrows so as not to mute the detail too much but at the same time, don't be too uniform.
- Dip the whole thing in fine grit and let dry.
- Once the grit is dry, paint the whole thing with whatever color ground you feel is best. The paint will dry irregularly because of the sand and may require multiple coats. Let mostly dry.
- When the earth color is mostly dry, run a fresh coat around the raised rim of the garden patch and dip the whole thing in flocking or turf. The idea is to get an almost uniform covering on the rim, with just few stray patches in the furrows.
- Apply two coats of spray sealer to affix the flocking.